Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I needed some change.

You know you're procrastinating when you're playing with colors on Blogger rather than working a a venture capitalist problem set.

Interesting article I read in the NYtimes:
More People Appear to Be Cheating on Their Spouses, Studies Find.

It appears that improved medicine has contributed to this trend with, for example, Viagra, hormone supplements, and even hip replacements. As people get older, they need that bone or joint replacement to restore mobility, and that's where we bioengineers come in. “They’ve got the physical health to express their sexuality into old age."

Not only medicine, but technology and the internet have also facilitated this change. Women are using cellphones, instant messaging, and email more often to be intimate. “I see a changing landscape in which the emphasis is less on the sex than it is on the openness and intimacy and the revelation of secrets." And technology promotes us to reveal secrets? Speaking more generally about myself, now that I think about, whenever I'm divulging a secret to someone, I almost always use instant messaging. I cannot stand the awkwardness of talking in person; there have been times when I wanted to dig a hole and hide when the conversation wasn't online.

Conclusion: I always thought (and still think) that people hated the idea of cheating, and yet it's becoming more prevalent. Stupid hypocrits.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的

笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的

Excerpted from 稻香, written by Jay Chou.

Friday, October 24, 2008

0 for 3 thus far

It looks like it's going to be a tough year to find a job. Now, I'm really starting to wonder what the values are of my elitist Ivy League Wharton + Engineering degrees. And why I'm almost killing myself trying to finish these two degrees by May 2010.

Mental quandaries:
1. Which do I like better? Engineering or Wharton. I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not Wharton material, nor do I like the hardcore Engineering stuff. However, based on this semester's mix of classes (3 Wharton + 3 Engineering), I think I'm liking Engineering better. Not just the academics, but the environment. I just can't compete against aggressive cut-throat Whartonites. I definitely feel more comfortable in Towne Building than in Huntsman. All right, I think it's pretty clear that I should put more emphasis on the Engineering track. Yay, can't wait to take some BE electives finally after getting all the reqs out of the way.

2. Should I continue with 7 classes in the Spring? Well, based on my resolution to dilemma #1, I think I'll put my Wharton degree on the sideline and take 6 classes in the Spring. Perhaps 6.5 with one of those 0.5 MKTG classes.

Who knew rambling on a blog could solve problems?

Saturday, October 18, 2008


And, when I'm older and my kids ask me,
"Mommy, who was your first love?"
I don't want to take out the old photo album.
I want to point across the room and say,
"He's right there."

More good stuff

A Beautiful Mess (live) - Jason Mraz

Friday, October 17, 2008

Glass half full? Yea, right.

Just when I thought life wasn't all that bad (thank you Jason Mraz. You're awesome.), I'm quickly snapped back to reality. This is the lesson I've learned from being optimistic: It's too easy for everything to coming crashing down, and all it takes is one little thing. I'm probably being overly dramatic and sensitive. Something's going to have to change before I lose my mind. But, how?

Btw, good stuff.

Lille (demo) - Lisa Hannigan

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's just school.

I like to tell myself that I'm happy. But why is it that i've never felt this sad ever than at this moment? I think my mental health is slowly deteriorating with the stress I impose on myself. Hopefully I can piece myself back together once I get back to school.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Home sweet home

I feel like such a little kid at home, wearing my Hello Kitty PJs and sleeping in my Minnie Mouse decor bed. I don't think I'll ever grow out of these little childish indulgences. Mmm, this is home.

I don't think I've ever realized how much I do miss home until I'm actually back...