Thursday, November 27, 2008


I shall keep this in mind on this Black Friday eve. I typically don't spend ridiculous amounts like some people I know, but hopefully I won't burn unnecessary cash to work off all of this semester's stress.

This year, I'm thankful for: 1. good health for everyone, and 2. the people that I love and care about.

Currently playing: All I want for Christmas is Us - Tristan Prettyman & Jason Mraz

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Working Group Concept

I'm surprised to find that things I learned in MGMT100 still crop up in my daily experiences, especially with other group-oriented classes. I guess MGMT is a very practical concentration in terms of personal skills, but in terms of technical skills, I would say that I didn't learn any. But, the one concept that I haven't forgetten is that about the working group vs. team. Working groups suck because people are self-centered and work in their own interests, not considering others'. I think it's probably quite rare to be able to work in a real team. I hope they exist in the real world.

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's starting to feel a bit like Christmas.

How can I let school troubles get to me when there's 30 degree weather (maybe snow) + Thanksgiving break next week + Christmas lights on Locust Walk? I can't.

I'm interested to see what this Christmas has in store for me.

Currently playing: The Christmas Song - NSYNC

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Good stuff

Contestant on Season 3's Million Star:

黃靖倫 - 缺席

我真的想和你在一起 卻在你未來缺席
在你的未來缺席 像是一齣劇本 未完待續

Good song, bad acting though

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hello? Anyone there?

More often than I'd like, I feel like people aren't listening to what I'm saying. And then, I get frustrated. Am I just bad at conveying my thoughts?

Wow, the bad news never ends huh?

I don't think I've read any bit of good news on the economy in the NYtimes since I read "Lehman Brothers falling into bankruptcy" weeks ago. If you've been keeping up, this week's homepage has been sprinkled with bad news after bad news: Retailers reporting double digit % drops in sales compared to last year (although Walmart has been doing well, but they're not even that cheap). Carmakers slashing forecasts. Unemployment rate at its highest in 14 years. I guess since the rest of the country is cutting back on spending, I should too. Oh, the vicious cycle. Banks are dying/cutting back on loans, people can't borrow money to spend, retail/services don't make money, people are laid off and spend even less, etcetcetc.

And, I wonder how Obama's going to fix this mess. I hope people tamper their hopes because I'm not too optimistic. There's only so much the government can do when the country is in a craphole this deep.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A little note to myself that today (Nov 4th)

we made history.

And, just so he's not forgotten, I shall acknowledge McCain. (This picture of him tearful just makes me sad.)

"Mr. McCain also fought the headwinds of a relentlessly hostile political environment, weighted down with the baggage left to him by President Bush and an economic collapse that took place in the middle of the of the general election campaign." Link

Monday, November 3, 2008

A product of Gen Y

I finally understand why people say Gen Y's are the ones who need instant feedback, those who are unable to tolerate the slightest delay. I'm one of those. After growing up with cellphones, instant messaging, text messaging, email, the internet, etc, today I can become impatient by the slightest delay, e.g. if someone doesn't reply to my texts, IMs, emails within the appropriate time frame. I should probably work on that, given that most of the population is still Gen X and older.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Absentee ballot, where art thou?

I have a feeling it was lost in the mail. Looks like I won't be voting in this election. Boo, I tried. Now I can't get free icecream or coffee on Nov 4th (just kidding, that's not the real reason for why I should vote).

Oh wells, New Jersey is not a battleground state. And apparently, it's not even part of "real" America.