Saturday, March 7, 2009

Long time no see

Sorry, it's been a while. It's finally spring break, and with nothing to do, I'm sitting at home blogging (Unfortunately, spring break plans never materialized. At least I'm saving money). So what's happened since 2008 ended? Nothing much really. Been feeling the wrath of the recession. The DP says that OCR recruitment has been down this year. Although I failed OCR, the interview practice was still helpful for when I really need it. I applied to a bunch of non-OCR stuff. Maybe something fruitful will come out of that. My backup plan is staying at Penn to do research, which will hopefully yield a published paper. What else besides job searching? I applied for submatriculation for biotech masters. I guess it doesn't hurt to get some more schooling under my belt, especially if I want to do research. A bachelor's degree won't even get me into the door of a biopharma company.

So that's what's going on my prof/academic side. As for others, I'll blog later about. My stomach is grumbling. Food comes first.

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